Pro Stock veteran Warren Johnson, during Sunday's eliminations at the NHRA AAA Finals, made comments disparaging of the NHRA’s management when asked of his plans in 2009.

“I don’t know given the NHRA’s leadership or lack thereof,” Johnson said, as the microphone went dead silent, seemingly in mid-sentence. Pro Stock veteran Warren Johnson, during Sunday's eliminations at the NHRA AAA Finals, made comments disparaging of the NHRA’s management when asked of his plans in 2009.

“I don’t know given the NHRA’s leadership or lack thereof,” Johnson said, as the microphone went dead silent, seemingly in mid-sentence.

Various members requested Johnson’s presence in the media center to expound on his comments.

His media relations staff politely declined the interview requests.

“We feel there is no benefit in having Warren Johnson further expand upon comments made on the public address system following his second round loss at today’s Auto Club of Southern California Finals,” the prepared statement read. “Therefore, we must politely decline the request to bring him to the press room at this time. We ask that you kindly honor this request and suggest you focus on today’s winners and champions, as they are the ones who truly deserve the attention.”