Reher-Morrison Rewrites the Book of Racing Engine Assembly

ChampionshipEngineBookFront.jpgReher-Morrison Racing Engines is happy to announce the release of its new, revised Championship Engine Assembly book.  Everyone at Reher-Morrison poured countless hours into revising and consolidating their famous Upper and Lower Engine Assembly books into a single book jam packed with decades worth of knowledge from championship engine building at Reher-Morrison. 

This is an excellent opportunity to find out what really makes horsepower in a racing engine. Don’t be misled by the myths and misconceptions. These books contain the best information and latest technology from Reher-Morrison’s staff of expert head porters, machinists, and assemblers. They say, “We are convinced that these are the best “how-to” racing engine books ever written.” Reher-Morrison Rewrites the Book of Racing Engine Assembly

ChampionshipEngineBookFront.jpgReher-Morrison Racing Engines is happy to announce the release of its new, revised Championship Engine Assembly book.  Everyone at Reher-Morrison poured countless hours into revising and consolidating their famous Upper and Lower Engine Assembly books into a single book jam packed with decades worth of knowledge from championship engine building at Reher-Morrison. 

This is an excellent opportunity to find out what really makes horsepower in a racing engine. Don’t be misled by the myths and misconceptions. These books contain the best information and latest technology from Reher-Morrison’s staff of expert head porters, machinists, and assemblers. They say, “We are convinced that these are the best “how-to” racing engine books ever written.”

Reher-Morrison Championship Engine Assembly is huge, containing 392 pages of information and over 600 detailed photos and graphics that show the reader the right way. This book has been recently selected by several colleges to feature in their race engine technology programs.  It is easy to read with simple terminology in carefully organized steps.

In these books, Reher-Morrison has shared an incredible amount of information about championship engine assembly.  David Reher said, “I wish we had a book like this 40 years ago.”  One reader said, “I have not been able to find as much technical information on a complete engine building program as what is contained in this book.  It has instantly become my number one source for reference, before and during engine building and machining.”  Reading Reher-Morrison Championship Engine Assembly can immediately improve the reader’s knowledge and help their racing program.

Visit or to read more about the book.  To order or for more information call Reher-Morrison Racing Engines at 817-467-7171 or email  For your convenience, you can also order the book online any time at