justice_brothers.jpgWith today’s 200-plus degrees engine operating temperatures, and high performance engines, many times your radiator will need a little help keeping the temperatures under control. This is particularly true on hot, humid days or in traffic. Justice Brothers SUPER RADIATOR COOLER improves the wetting ability of water, resulting in superior heat transfer in the radiator and cooler cylinder head temperatures within the engine.

justice_brothers.jpgWith today’s 200-plus degrees engine operating temperatures, and high performance engines, many times your radiator will need a little help keeping the temperatures under control. This is particularly true on hot, humid days or in traffic. Justice Brothers SUPER RADIATOR COOLER improves the wetting ability of water, resulting in superior heat transfer in the radiator and cooler cylinder head temperatures within the engine.

SUPER RADIATOR COOLER also protects against internal engine corrosion, is compatible with all anti-freeze/coolant, works in both gas and diesel engines and is harmless to all metal and rubber parts. Reducing radiator heat also reduces transmission temperatures in vehicles that incorporate the trans cooler in the radiator. One quart of SUPER RADIATOR COOLER is used for every 20-quarts of coolant/water mixture. Check your owner’s manual for your radiators capacity.

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