DRbookcover.jpgNHRA.com senior editor Rob Geiger presented Whit Bazemore an autographed copy of his new book on Darrell Russell. How did Bazemore show his gratitude?

Bazemore said he gave it away. But, it was to a good cause.

“It was a personal dedication to me and I wanted to autograph it and donate to D.R.A.W.,” Bazemore said. “When I found out how much money it made for them, it just made my day that someone would be so generous and support D.R.A.W. in that way. It shows you what the racing community is made of.”
DRbookcover.jpgNHRA.com senior editor Rob Geiger presented Whit Bazemore an autographed copy of his new book on Darrell Russell. How did Bazemore show his gratitude?

Bazemore said he gave it away. But, it was to a good cause.

“It was a personal dedication to me and I wanted to autograph it and donate to D.R.A.W.,” Bazemore said. “When I found out how much money it made for them, it just made my day that someone would be so generous and support D.R.A.W. in that way. It shows you what the racing community is made of.”

Bazemore’s book fetched a healthy $1500 during the annual Texas Motorplex D.R.A.W. Auction.

Bazemore said he didn’t know who successfully bid on the book, but he’d like to say thank you.

“Supporting D.R.A.W. like that is tremendous,” said Bazemore. “Now I guess I will have to go buy it at Barnes & Noble and pay my $24.95.”