News Flash … Pro Stock racer Mike Edwards is human.

In the course of 24 hours over one weekend, the driver who has won eight national events thus far in 2010, lost in the finals of one drag racing’s largest single paydays and in the first round the next day at the NHRA Summit Nationals in Norwalk, Ohio by less than .01 of a second.

The defending series champion had an off-weekend which left the most seasoned drag racing prognosticators scratching their heads.

“I had a really miserable day on Friday, feeling just terrible,” explained Edwards, who was unqualified headed into Saturday. “I don't know what was a matter with me. Just body aches and headaches. I was ready to go do something; take some medicine and go to bed.”

Saturday failed to provide much comfort as he managed only a season-worst twelfth qualifying position. The slower position was a combination of failing to make a run in Friday’s quick session and the unfavorable Saturday conditions.

News Flash … Pro Stock racer Mike Edwards is human.

Mike Edwards loses in the first round of Pro Stock eliminations to eventual semi-finalist Jason Line on a holeshot.
In the course of 24 hours over one weekend, the driver who has won eight national events thus far in 2010, lost in the finals of one drag racing’s largest single paydays and in the first round the next day at the NHRA Summit Nationals in Norwalk, Ohio by less than .01 of a second.

The defending series champion had an off-weekend which left the most seasoned drag racing prognosticators scratching their heads.

“I had a really miserable day on Friday, feeling just terrible,” explained Edwards, who was unqualified headed into Saturday. “I don't know what was a matter with me. Just body aches and headaches. I was ready to go do something; take some medicine and go to bed.”

Saturday failed to provide much comfort as he managed only a season-worst twelfth qualifying position. The slower position was a combination of failing to make a run in Friday’s quick session and the unfavorable Saturday conditions.

“We just missed it,” Edwards admitted. “We set up there for a long time before we left the trailer; we just missed it. We had some stuff in there we shouldn't have had in there as far as gearing and stuff.”

One couldn’t blame Edwards for trying something new considering he leaves Norwalk with a 352 point lead and a clinched Countdown to 1 spot. He could sit out the rest of the events until Indianapolis and still remain a championship contender.

But Edwards won’t, there’s a championship swagger at stake. A weekend like this for a team that has performed almost flawlessly up until now won’t necessarily vault them into panic mode, but there will be an evaluation.

“You get concerned,” Edwards said. “You just really want to know what happened so you can correct it. That is the biggest thing. We're just going to try to make adjustments and see if we can try to make a better run at it next race and hopefully we can be a whole lot better than we were this time.”

And this weekend’s shortcomings are nothing new for him; he’s been there and done that plenty of times in his career.

“It’s been awhile,” said Edwards. “Unfortunately, I've had a lot of them days, but not here lately. Hopefully, we can rebound and come out and run a whole lot better next time.”

For now, the rest of the Pro Stock contingent is content knowing Edwards is just human after all. As for Edwards, he'll do his homework and try to prove them wrong in Seattle.

