nowling5ADRL President Kenny Nowling confirmed that litigation is forthcoming against multiple message boards and certain members for alleged libelous statements made against not only the sanctioning body but also him personally.

“I just got off of the phone with our legal counsel and the bottom line is that we are going to explore every legal option in this instance,” said Nowling via cell phone from JFK Airport in New York while en route to the next Arabian Drag Racing League event in Qatar . “I’m all for free speech and purposely refrained for the last five years in posting on them. I don’t begrudge anyone who uses message board forums.

“If someone doesn’t like Kenny Nowling, the ADRL or the way we run our show or make out rules -- that’s okay. I don’t begrudge those who disagree with us. But, I do have a problem with those who cross the line and make false accusations in the form of letters and emails to our sponsors, whom we have worked tirelessly to bring in to benefit our racers and  race fans.”

Warns those involved, “You crossed the line”

nowling5ADRL President Kenny Nowling confirmed that litigation is forthcoming against multiple message boards and certain members for alleged libelous statements made against not only the sanctioning body but also him personally.

“I just got off of the phone with our legal counsel and the bottom line is that we are going to explore every legal option in this instance,” said Nowling via cell phone from JFK Airport in New York while en route to the next Arabian Drag Racing League event in Qatar . “I’m all for free speech and purposely refrained for the last five years in posting on them. I don’t begrudge anyone who uses message board forums.

“If someone doesn’t like Kenny Nowling, the ADRL or the way we run our show or make our rules -- that’s okay. I don’t begrudge those who disagree with us. But, I do have a problem with those who cross the line and make false accusations in the form of letters and emails to our sponsors, whom we have worked tirelessly to bring in to benefit our racers and  race fans.”

At issue are allegations that Nowling, through his American Drag Racing League association with the Arabian Drag Racing League, has through his allowance of Mustapha Mohammad Atat’s participation in events, harbored a fugitive from justice. Nowling contends those accusations are totally untrue.

Atat is wanted by U.S. Authorities in connection with the death of a bystander struck in the midst of an illegal street race between Atat and Aaron Reynolds in Detroit. AMERICA'S MOST WANTED VIDEO (Case begins 14:45 into Interview)

“They made accusations in written letters that I was harboring, aiding and abetting a fugitive wanted for murder. I’m not going to get into all of the details of Moe Atat, that will be for another day. All I can tell you is that what started as harmless opinions on message boards have threatened my livelihood.

“There are some people who think they can say anything or do anything in the name of freedom of speech. But they crossed the line and they know who they are. I will spend every penny I’ve got to make sure no one will take anything away from me, my racers and the ADRL fans based on 100-percent false accusations. I am in no way shape or form harboring any fugitive from justice.”

Nowling said that prior to these actionable statements, he was working with the parties involved to provide a settlement for the victims of the fatal accident on October 8, 2001.

“I am going to continue to work diligently towards that regardless of what happens here,” Nowling said.

But for those, whom Nowling has declared, crossed the line, he’s ready to set the record straight.

“At the end of the day, and these people know who they are, there won’t be a rock safe enough for them to hide under,” Nowling cautioned. “People can say what they want about me, but they had better have the facts straight when they do. I will make sure I use every legal option available to make sure these guys never again make unfounded accusations without there being consequences.”  

Nowling declined at this time to reveal those named in the suit, but did say an official statement could be released by the end of this week.

