FEEDBACK ARTICLE - Restoring the Northwind, Part 3
As a
middle aged drag racing fan (56), I can't help but feel a little tug on my
nostalgic heart each time another front engined fueler is resurrected from the
"bone yard" grave. What a magical piece of drag racing history. Thanks for
giving us the blow by blow of the entire job. Please pass along our thanks to
all of the "crew" involved with this wonderful project. She'll be "cackling"
before you know it! - David L. Gutierrez
FEEDBACK ARTICLE - Restoring the Northwind, Part 3
As a
middle aged drag racing fan (56), I can't help but feel a little tug on my
nostalgic heart each time another front engined fueler is resurrected from the
"bone yard" grave. What a magical piece of drag racing history. Thanks for
giving us the blow by blow of the entire job. Please pass along our thanks to
all of the "crew" involved with this wonderful project. She'll be "cackling"
before you know it! - David L. Gutierrez